Thursday of Holy Week
This Holy Week, I’m posting brief daily reflections inspired by some famous (or not so famous) statues. Today’s statue is probably one of...
Wednesday of Holy Week
This Holy Week, I’m posting brief daily reflections inspired by some famous (or not so famous) statues. Today’s picture is of an artist...
Tuesday of Holy Week
This Holy Week, I’m posting brief daily reflections inspired by some famous (or not so famous) statues. Today’s statue is Christ the...
Monday of Holy Week
This Holy Week, I’ll be posting brief daily reflections inspired by some famous (or not so famous) statues. Today’s statue is Le Penseur...
Palm Sunday 2021!
Happy Palm Sunday! Please enjoy today’s worship service… and parade! Worship Leader: Stephanie Salinas Musicians: Jan Randlett, Peter...
Virtual Maundy Thursday Service
Friends, please join us for a virtual Maundy Thursday service. All are welcome. We will join in prayer and communion, and hold a modified...