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Mission Trip?

Are you interested in participating in a domestic mission trip in the summer of 2016? If so, please join us after worship on December 11, 2016! At that meeting, our goal is to select a mission destination and date(s). Then, Pastor Steph will begin the process of recruitment and scheduling and fundraising.

As of this writing, we are considering two American Baptist missions, which are listed below. (While we haven’t ruled out mission work in the southeastern US, right now there are many mission groups going there, so the need may be greater at some ongoing need sites.)

Sites being considered are:

  1. Kodiak Baptist Mission in Kodiak, Alaska. (

  2. This mission houses a food bank, children’s programs and camps, and more. They have a week July 22-29 open, plus a variety of dates between August 9-22. They hope to be renovating a 1930’s building they own to create a music & arts space for their kids. They also have opportunities to work with the kids, working on an outdoor education site, horseback riding, kayaking, and flying. Airfare about $1500 per person. Cost of staying on site is less than $20 per person per day.

  3. Murrow Indian Children’s Home in Muskogee, Oklahoma. (

  4. They always need skilled blue-collar workers, painters, and folks with work with the kids. The Murrow home serves Native American children who are referred by the state. Usually these are children who cannot be in their home for a period of time. Airfare about $500 per person. We don’t yet know the cost of staying on site, but I imagine it isn’t much. We could probably pick most weeks during July.

Even if you aren’t sure if you will attend, join us for discussion on December 11. If you want to join the mission trip but can’t make it December 11, contact Pastor Steph.

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Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 1:30 pm

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808 High Street

Westwood, MA 02090




Sunday at 10:00

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 the first Sunday of each month.

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