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3/26/2020 news & devos

March 26, 2020

Hi friends… Below is a devotion in video format.

But first… a bit of news:

  • Donna Metcalf will be sending out a newsletter after all. Deadline to submit items is March 30. Call her at home or office or email the church office ( if you want to contribute anything. She and I are rotating going into the office to check mail and messages, so donations, letters, etc are still being safely received and processed.

  • Also, remember, anyone with a phone can join our conference call prayer meeting on Tuesday night, March 31, at 6:45pm. Here’s that info again: with any phone, call (978) 990-5000. When prompted, key in access code 493475 followed by the # sign. If using your computer: Online meeting ID: pastor0148 & Join the online meeting:

  • These services are all overloaded, so don’t be surprised if we have difficulty making it work. We’ll do our best! We will share prayer concerns, I’ll have a brief scripture, and then we’ll pray together.

  • As always, remember to pray, remember to love, remember to care. We have one person in the congregation who has been ill and tested for COVID-19. We also remember in prayer those who are working in hospitals, funeral homes, grocers and pharmacies, and other places they are being exposed.

As of now, I really don’t know what Easter’s schedule will be. I do know, however, that we WILL celebrate the Resurrection. When and where and how we can. We’ll figure it out together.

Now, here’s today’s Devotion:

Hang in there, know you are loved, and keep in touch…


Pastor Steph

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Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 1:30 pm

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808 High Street

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 the first Sunday of each month.

Weather permitting, June 30-Labor Day,

services are held outdoors in Baker Chapel.

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