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devotions & reminder for 3/31/2020

Hi friends.

2 things: remember tonight we will try to hold our first conference call prayer meeting. You can join us as follows:

· Tonight, March 31, at 6:45 pm.

· If using a computer: Online meeting ID: pastor0148 Join the online meeting:

· OR, with any phone, call (978) 990-5000. When prompted, key in access code 493475 followed by the # sign.

· You’ll be asked to introduce yourself. Just say your name. If you prefer to not announce yourself, you’ll still be able to participate, but I won’t know you are there.

· Please make sure there isn’t any background noise on your end. Turn off your tv, background music, dogs 😊, etc.

· There will be some lag time, so be patient as we try to not talk over each other.

· We will share prayer concerns, I’ll have a brief scripture, and then we’ll pray together.

We're trying out a free program to do this. If we aren't satisfied with the quality of the free program, the Church Council has authorized me to purchase a paid Zoom account. To help me with that, if you try to get into the prayer call tonight and are unable to, or have difficulty with it during the meeting, please email or message me afterwards.

Now, here's today's brief devotion:

Today’s brief devotion comes to us from our friends at Kodiak Baptist Mission in Kodiak, Alaska. A picture of described mule, Maytag, is attached. (

Kelli Foreman there shares this word of hope:

We are in uncharted territory these days and not knowing exactly how everything will turn out can be unnerving.

It reminds me of the first time we took Maytag the mule across the channel to Woody Island. It was a pristine Kodiak day and I thought, “What could go wrong?” . . . “Everything! What are we thinking!”

But, Maytag did it, one nervous step after the other. He didn’t want to, but he trusted us and knew even in the midst of the stress of it all, he’d be ok. By the time the gate opened and he stepped out onto a lush, island of mule paradise he wanted nothing to do with the boat, but was thankful for the outcome. 🤍🤍

So today with the unswerving help of Jesus we can get through this too. We may have a bumpy boat ride, but He’s got this and most importantly He’s got us![i]

[i] Foreman, Kelli. Post on Facebook® page of Kodiak Baptist Mission, Simply Livin-Kodiak Alaska. Accessed 3/30/2020. Used with permission.

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