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outdoor worship begins June 28

June 18, 2020

Dear Friends and Family of First Baptist of Westwood,

Based on numerous conversations, the Church Council has decided on the following plans for worship this summer:

  • We will begin holding in-person worship on Sunday, June 28 and services will begin at 9:30am

  • Services will be held outdoors only (in Baker Chapel and the Fellowship Hall parking lot)

  • Bathrooms will be open, but we recommend using your home facilities if possible

  • Everyone must wear a mask unless you have been medically advised not to do so

  • You will be directed to sit where we have placed plastic disks, spaced at least 6 feet apart

  • Please bring the following:

  • Your own folding chair

  • A mask for each person in your party

  • Your own hand sanitizer

  • (We’ll have spares for those who are in need.)

  • There will be no coffee fellowship, no communion, and no gatherings before or after worship

  • There will be no congregational singing, but we will have special music

  • The offering will be collected in plates on your way into and out of worship

  • We will take a photo each week of attendees, and take names and addresses of those not in our church directory, for possible contact tracing purposes only

  • Do NOT attend worship in person if you are feeling ill, running a temperature, or exhibiting any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms

  • If it rains, or if there is a spike in local COVID-19 cases, we will hold online/by mail worship only – there is a small team of people who will make that decision weekly (Bob Folsom, Peter DeReyna, Jen Cromack, and Carol Ahearn)

  • Each week, the music, scripture, and sermon will be recorded and posted/emailed online

  • Pastor Steph will continue to send mailed copies of her sermon manuscript to those without internet access who are not able to attend in-person worship

  • Thursday 7:20pm prayer and communion via GoToMeeting will continue weekly

We recognize that not everyone is comfortable worshipping in person yet, and that for some folks it is not medically advised. Please make your own choices and know that God blesses your worship whether it is in Baker Chapel or your own home. Your health is of the utmost importance to us.

We look forward to worshipping together, physically, virtually, and prayerfully.

With Hope,

Your Church Council and Church Staff

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Office hours - by appointment only.

Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 1:30 pm

All buildings are handicapped accessible

and there is ample parking



808 High Street

Westwood, MA 02090




Sunday at 10:00

Communion is celebrated on

 the first Sunday of each month.

Weather permitting, June 30-Labor Day,

services are held outdoors in Baker Chapel.

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