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Monday of Holy Week

This Holy Week, I’ll be posting brief daily reflections inspired by some famous (or not so famous) statues. Today’s statue is Le Penseur (The Thinker). It has been recreated several times for different locations, but it was first created by Auguste Rodin to be part of a larger work called The Gates of Hell. Scholars disagree over why it was in the midst of the gates of Hell, and who is represented. So here is where this statue took my reflections:

Just as there are tastes of Heaven in our world, there are also tastes of Hell. If we learned nothing else in the past year, we learned about pain and fear and anguish. Still, for someone willing to ponder, there is still wonder all around us. There is still poetry, art, and beauty – even in the midst of suffering. This Holy Week, may you be blessed by a taste of that beauty.

Peace & Beauty,

Pastor Steph


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